Instagram against women in politics Instagram against women in politics

Instagram against women in politics: comments and insults ignored

The Instagram platform is accused of ignoring 93% of abusive and threatening comments aimed at female politicians.

A study conducted by the Centre for Combating Digital Hate (CCDH), a British non-profit organisation, revealed serious flaws in Instagram’s content moderation. In particular, the platform is accused of ignoring 93% of abusive and threatening comments aimed at female politicians.

The CCDH examined over 560,000 comments posted on the Instagram profiles of US politicians involved in the 2024 presidential election campaign. Of these, 1,000 were identified as particularly offensive, containing racist and sexist slurs, as well as death and rape threats. Despite the reporting of these comments, 926 remained visible for more than a week, without Instagram taking action.

Among the politicians targeted by the study were prominent figures from both the Democratic Party, such as Vice President Kamala Harris, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Elizabeth Warren, and the Republican Party, such as Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert. The study did not include male politicians, focusing exclusively on women in politics.

Instagram’s response was deemed unreliable
The CCDH strongly criticised Instagram’s insufficient response, pointing out that while such verbal abuse would be quickly punished in physical contexts, online it seems to remain without consequence. The organisation also highlighted how Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which protects online platforms from legal liability for content posted by users, has become a haven for hate speech and threats against women.

The CCDH called for tougher action from Instagram, urging the adoption of clear guidelines to prevent violent abuse. It also called on lawmakers to ensure that social platforms are held accountable when they fail to protect women working for the public good.

The failure to address these issues, according to CCDH, is threatening the stability of democracy and preventing women from playing their role in politics without fear of violence or intimidation.

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