Instagram is about to change its face vertical grid for profiles arrives

Instagram is about to change its face, introducing a new feature that could revolutionise the look of our profiles: the vertical grid.

Instagram is about to change its face, introducing a new feature that could revolutionise the look of our profiles: the vertical grid. Soon, we could say goodbye to the traditional square layout that has characterised the platform since its inception. The decision to switch to a vertical grid stems from the growing importance of vertical content on Instagram, such as Stories and Reels.

In recent years, these formats have gained more and more space, overshadowing the square grid layout, which was initially designed for photos in the 1:1 format. Adam Mosseri, the head of Instagram, emphasised that this change aims to better reflect user habits and offer a smoother and more immersive browsing experience.

The new vertical grid will allow photos and videos to occupy more space in height, adapting better to smartphone screens. This change will allow content to be displayed more dynamically and creatively, encouraging more engaging interaction with posts.

Will this change in look distort the aesthetics of the platform?

However, not all users have enthusiastically welcomed this change. Many are attached to the square grid, which has helped define Instagram’s visual identity over the years. Some fear that the move to the vertical grid will distort the platform’s classic aesthetic, making the feed less orderly and recognisable.

Currently, the vertical grid is still being tested and has not been made available to all users. It is unclear when it will be permanently implemented, but it is likely to be some time before it becomes a standard feature.

This change certainly represents a significant breakthrough for Instagram. The new content layout offers unprecedented creative opportunities and could make the app even more attractive to users. However, it is natural that some are sceptical about this innovation. Only time will tell whether the vertical grid will be accepted successfully or whether it will meet with resistance among the Instagram community.

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